
Note: Dates are in YYYY-MM-DD format for data organizing purposes.

2024-08-13: Coding has many great aspects as a lifestyle but let me tell you, I'm sure not gonna do this forever if I can avoid it.

2023-07-25: As I begin to use this site to publish actually usable open-source tools, it's clear that a full revamp is necessary, and also that I'll need to leave IPFS. Hosting is crazy expensive there when I could be much more easily hosting with Vercel. I hate to make the site less decentralized to make it cheaper for myself, but I appreciate the irony of corporate tools making open sourcing much easier.

Besides, I think the tools I'm publishing soon will be worth it and take this site to a new place. Staying optimistic!

New links are up: and both redirect to

This saves me the pinata hosting costs; I'll be back up on IPFS once I find a way to monetize.

2023-03-04: I've been thinking a lot lately about what it means to consistently put effort toward so many projects each day. Simply writing tasks out consistently boosts my ability to track multiple threads.

Is a Github graph a promise made to others? It helped me to think of it as a promise made to myself.

There's so little free time in life where you can truly sit down and build. We may build for others, or for pay, or to support the ones we love, but at the end of each day we sleep with data swimming in our heads.

Can my excitement for my goals keep me pushing through the endless river of obstacles in life? It helps me to think that it can.

2022-10-06: After a couple nights of work, I'm finally set up on Next.js! While I'm still exporting static HTML from Next, it's really nice to have a more robust front-end on this thing. Unfortunately, static HTML means for now, we can't use Next's fancy Static Generation and Server-side Rendering features.

  • Static Generation is the pre-rendering method that generates the HTML at build time. The pre-rendered HTML is then reused on each request.
  • Server-side Rendering is the pre-rendering method that generates the HTML on each request.

2022-10-03: Foundations have been laid! This site now serves from IPFS(about), a decentralized peer-to-peer file sharing protocol. In order to shorten loading times I've hosted through Piñata Cloud(about), a set of computers and technologies making IPFS development more comprehensive. Next steps are a frontend, a backend, and infrastructure in general.

The single-page HTML site will forever be accessible from these two links: Piñata(faster) and IPFS(slower).I'll also leave the Github repository from this stage here as a template. I'm so happy we're running! More soon.

New links are up: and both redirect to