📝Summarize this chat as a new prompt

Distill the contents of this chat into a highly condensed, organized and informative summary which could be seamlessly appended to this project’s documentation. Harvest the knowledge gleaned here for use as context in new chats. A data point from this chat should be included in the summary when it is:

  1. An insight uncovered through this chat which would be difficult to uncover WITHOUT repeating this chat.
  2. Prior-posterior beliefs about the system which have changed over the course of this chat, yielding a new understanding than when we began.
  3. (optional) Changes made to the code within this chat, as well as a short explanation for why each change was made.

Do NOT include broad explanations about the codebase as a whole, as I already have a PRD. Again, your goal is to harvest insights that are HIGHLY UNIQUE, USEFUL, SPECIFIC, and DIFFICULT TO UNCOVER and leave all else behind.